WP UM Social – WordPress Ultimate Member Plugin


“WP UM Social” module stretch out Ultimate Member usefulness to next even out concerning socialization. It will give you choice to interface with one another from individuals registry and part profile page. When an association has been laid out (Sender send solicitation and recipient acknowledge demand), he/she/they will actually want to send messages between them.


SKU: TSP-20221000 Category:

“WP UM Social” module stretch out Ultimate Member usefulness to next even out concerning socialization. It will give you choice to interface with one another from individuals registry and part profile page. When an association has been laid out (Sender send solicitation and recipient acknowledge demand), he/she/they will actually want to send messages between them.

This module accompanies highlights like underneath:

1) Options to send association demand between enrolled individuals from part registry and profile subtleties page.
2) Option to acknowledge or deny association demand.
3) Once an association demand is being sent, beneficiary will get an email about this association.
4) If a part acknowledges an interface, again source will get an email about association acknowledgment.
5) Members will actually want to send message between them.
6) Each time a part sends messages, recipient will receive an email warning too.
7) On the Ultimate Member Privacy segment, a part will get extra three choices (Turn on/off email notice for message, new association solicitation and association acknowledgment) to safeguard his/her/their security.
8) It accompanies a settings page, where you will get choice to change tabs name, buttons and warning variety change lastly all the email notice email text design change.
9) It likewise has choice to call notice window utilizing short code [wpumsocial], so you can call this notice anyplace you need.
10) It likewise accompanies a gadget for warning window, that you will get under ordinary WordPress gadget with name of “Um Social Widget”, which you can use to show notice window in any gadget put on your layout.

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